This Human Journey

This Human Journey

I am having such great feelings of love for this world and all the people in it. How human can we be?! All the beautiful young people, lots of them struggling. For good reason obviously. How is it to grow up in a dying world. Where the future is bleak, crazy leaders...
Beyond Illusion (poetry)

Beyond Illusion (poetry)

I have this beauty spot above my lip, it’s really nice because apparently it is a definite sign of beauty but religiously every two weeks I have to pull out an enormous hair to prevent people finding out I am a witch. And this short dress I wear, is not to show my...


My father is fervently anti-religion. This is the result of him growing up in a very strict and sober religious household. He loves to discuss religion with other people and his favorite subjects are about belief and faith. He always said that, according to the bible,...


We spend most of our time with our attention away from actual reality. This means that we are spending a lot of our time in illusion. This is so, because the only reality that is alive, is the experience of the actual moment, the now. This experience is always very...