This Human Journey

This Human Journey

I am having such great feelings of love for this world and all the people in it. How human can we be?! All the beautiful young people, lots of them struggling. For good reason obviously. How is it to grow up in a dying world. Where the future is bleak, crazy leaders...

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Defenders and their survival strategies.

Defenders and their survival strategies.

When we get traumas during our childhood, the pain is often too much to bear and we split. We put the wounded parts deep in our unconscious and we develop a defender that performs the desired behavior, or that imitates the behavior of our parents. Like when a child...

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The catch with Law of attraction

The catch with Law of attraction

I believe in the principal of us attracting things that matches our energy. I believe that Gratitude is enormously important for our wellbeing. But as always it is very easy to explain deep spiritual laws through a very human lens and then it can quickly get pretty...

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Communication in Relationship

Communication in Relationship

Do we come from separation or connection in our communication? In communication with others, especially loved ones, we can come from separation or from connection. When we come from separation, we come from a place of trying to prove we are right and the other one is...

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Being Held by Oneness

Being Held by Oneness

I am feeling most easily one with everything when I have physical contact and when listening or moving slowly to music. Everybody has a different way to experience Oneness, or Source or Spirit, or whatever we want to call this mystery. Some people get easily into this...

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Your Love

Your Love

When I realized there is no future no time just the field of now and the possibility to be present with this or not, nothing else mattered than drinking in each second ~ Good or bad lost their meaning cause everything is fleeting sand through my hands I only know that...

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We belong to something that is so much bigger than us. Our home is enormous and made of unconditional love. Everything is part of it, so there is no good or bad. Everything is perfect as it is in this place. We are a part of everything; of the Cosmos, of the Universe....

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Take the me I imagine I am and leave me empty Take this flesh take this face until I am all but an open vessel for you to use A surrendered body for you to dance with An empty mind for you to love through Let me be born again and again each moment fresh and innocent...

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my world is my mirror
it shows me perfectly
that what is not resting yet
that what still feels separate
from the love that I am