Lets just stop and notice how much love is here ~ this tree, this person, this stone in the dirt, they are only love ~ we can relax here in this love, there is no hurry ~ everything is already been taken care of ~ we can just flow along with this love and rest.
One on One Embodiment Retreats

During the 5 day One on One Embodiment Retreats Duija will support you in staying present in the moment 24/7. This retreat is for people who have the deep longing of dying in the moment and being totally one with life.
Duija will help you sink into the present moment through meditation and exercises and support you to stay in this space of intimacy and connection as much as possible. She will support you in keeping your attention in your body and in living from a place of not-knowing.
This is not a meditation retreat, although you will be doing different meditations. Embodiment means learning how to stay present and in that open, empty space of meditation with everything that you experience or do. So you will eat, walk and move from this total presence and you will learn how to live from the not-knowing and move from the non-doing.
You will sink into openness and receptivity to allow life to flow through you and follow life, instead of trying to control it. When we allow ourselves to relax into life we realize the Love that is underneath everything.
The unique one on one format allows you to look at patterns of relating and intimacy with another person. Duija will support you in holding any reactions or triggers that come up so you can feel them deeply. This way you get to know yourself in a deeper way and learn more and more not to identify with trauma or ego parts.
The more intimate we become with ourselves, the more intimate we become with the world around us, the people we meet and with life itself. We realize that life can be trusted completely and that we are always held in Love.
Experience with meditating and self exploration is a pre-requisite for this retreat. The retreats will be from Friday afternoon till Wednesday morning and we will pick the dates together to accommodate both our schedules. We will be in a cozy airB&B in nature, close to Santa Fe New Mexico.
The price is $4200 including food and accommodation. Please contact Duija for more information.